Cambian Pengwern College

Services/focus of the Karten Centre

It offers IT facilities using touchscreen units and eyegaze unit for students as well as providing interactive large screens

Centre specialisms:

Tip: Clicking the link/s to view list of centres with the same specialisms

Centre Address

Sarn Lane, Rhuddlan, Denbighshire, LL18 5UH

Rendering map..

Karten Centre Manager

Stuart Lawrie

Contact Details


01745 592325


Host Organisation

Cambian Pengwern College

Host Organisation Address

Sarn Lane, Rhuddlan, LL18 5UH


Our students are 16 - 25 years old with complex learning needs. We have a mix of both residential and day students some of whom stay 365 days a year.


We have a range of disabilities from behavioural issues through physical disabilities some of whom are severely physically restricted and are wheelchair bound

Technology used in the Karten Centre

Samsung touch screen PCs, Eyegaze unit, Promethean Whiteboards with associated projectors

Assistive Technology

Eyegaze units, our SALT team use a range of software the main one being Grid Player which is loaded both on PC's and iPads

Karten Centre Staff

15 at various times not all at same time

Karten Centre Hours

9am to 4pm Monday - Friday