Have you a site you find really useful? Let us know and we’ll add it here.
Disrespect Nobody:
Information on healthy relationships are all about respecting each other
East Midlands E-safety Project:
Resources and information on e-safety and learning disability
EduApps consists of eight useful software collections that are free for you to download and use.
Knowledge Village:
Henshaws Knowledge Village, a place where Henshaws shares their knowledge and expertise with those experiencing or working with sight loss and disability. Explore videos, blogs, resources and eBooks to learn about everything from apps and technology to useful Life Hacks.
MyStudyBar is a suite of portable Windows freeware applications assembled into one package to support learners with literacy difficulties.
Natspec TechAbility Christmas Gift:
A Book Creator resource of hints, tips and examples of the creative use of technology compiled by Natspec TechAbility
Specialised AAC Assessment Hubs:
A list of specialised AAC Assessment Hubs in England.
TechAbility an Assistive Technology and Information Technology service run by Natspec
TechAbility – Access:
TechAbility resource focused on access
TechAbility – Accessibility:
TechAbility resource focused on accessibility
TechAbility – Built in technology resource poster:
TechAbility poster with clickable links containing approximately 20 short videos designed to show learners (and staff) how to get the best out of the built-in settings on devices they already own or use.
TechAbility – Communication:
TechAbility resource focused on communication
TechAbility – Content Creation:
TechAbility resource focused on content creation
TechAbility YouTube Channel:
The TechAbility YouTube Channel
UK Online:
Online courses tackling digital and social exclusion
Using a Games Controller as an Adapted Input Method:
Richard Maclachlan's case study on how a game console controller can be used as an alternate input device for a person with a disability.