Fitzroy, Malvern

Services/focus of the Karten Centre

The centre is in the grounds of two residences for 13 adults with learning disabilities. It provides residents with access to three touch screen computers, assistive hardware and software, digital camera and a printer. It is used by 12/13 residents during the day and in the evenings for a wide range of leisure activities including: music, games and interactive websites.

Centre specialisms:

Tip: Clicking the link/s to view list of centres with the same specialisms

Centre Address

Dalvington and The Oaks, 146 Lower Howsell Road, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1DL

Rendering map..

Karten Centre Manager

Louise Hutchings

Contact Details


01886 833424


Host Organisation


Host Organisation Address

Dalvington and The Oaks, 146 Lower Howsell Road, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1DL

Karten Centre Website

Centre Established

February 2008


Clients are the 13 residents, aged between 28-67; they use the centre on a drop-in, ad-hoc basis.


All the Malvern residents have profound and complex learning and physical disabilities and high support needs. Nine use wheelchairs, two prone wheelchairs, two residents are visually impaired, all have limited motor skills and need support with daily activities like eating and personal care. All have communication barriers, two residents have very limited verbal communication, the rest are non-verbal.

Technology used in the Karten Centre

5 touchscreen desktops
3 iPads and 1 iPad mini
MyChoice pad app for communication
Clevertouch interactive giant screen
Apple TV

Assistive Technology

We have a stock of assistive hardware including roller balls, speakers and intelli keyboards, jelly switches, flexzis and flexzi extenders for wheelchairs. Styluses and Big Grips for ipads.

Karten Centre Staff

A freelance assistive technology trainer comes to Malvern for four hours each Friday. He supports residents with personal mobile devices, and takes residents to the centre to look at photos and surf the net.
A volunteer, Will, comes in three times a week to support residents to pursue their hobbies and interests. Will has disabilities and is passionate about the benefits of technology for people with disabilities. He spent much time assisting residents to use the computers when the CTEC centre was initially set up.
Support workers also take residents to the suite as and when they wish.

Karten Centre Hours

Currently used for 18 hours a week in structured, supported sessions, and also as and when residents wish to drop in and use it.
In the future we would like to invite non-residents to use the suite at set times.

Services offered to the Network

Bob Jones, our technology trainer, has 25 years experience of working with assistive technology for people with learning and other disabilities, with a particular interest in enabling communication. He and Malvern Service Manager, Louise Hutchings, would be happy to share their knowledge.