Services/focus of the Karten Centre
The Grange provides Supported Living and Residential services, along with Housing and a wide range of Skills & Activities day service sessions.
Centre specialisms:
Tip: Clicking the link/s to view list of centres with the same specialisms
Centre Address
The Grange Rectory Lane Bookham, KT23 4DZ
Rendering map..
Karten Centre Manager
Phil Edmunds
Contact Details
01372 452608
Host Organisation
The Grange
Host Organisation Address
The Grange Rectory Lane Bookham, KT23 4DZ
Karten Centre Website
Centre Established
September 2016
We work with adults who either live within our services or access us from home or other providers.
We work with adults with learning disabilities, autism, brain injury and physical disabilities.
Technology used in the Karten Centre
- Dell Optiplex i5 Small Form Factor PC, 4GB, 128gb Hard Disks
- 23" Height Adjustable Dell monitors
- Samsung DM65E 65" Interactive Touch screen
- Leapmotion gesture control system
- Blue2Switch - Bluetooth wireless switch
- Lumens DC145 Ladibug Visualiser
- Phillips HDP 1590 Screeneo Smart LED Portable projector
- Lexmark Wireless CS410 Laserjet printer
- Ipad Air 2 Tablets
- Google Pixel C Tablets
- Flashforge Creator Pro 3d Printer
- Small adjustable height tables - fastlift with castors 800x600
Assistive Technology
- Startaboard large multi-coloured keys
- Startaboard large key black lowercase keyboard
- Startaboard large key yellow key black print
- Cherry large print high viability keyboard
- Razor left handed mouse
- Kensington Orbit trackball
PC Software
- Dragon Dictate
- Cowriter Universal
- Google G Suite
iOS/Android mobile software
- Cowriter Universal
- Communicaide AAC
Karten Centre Staff
We have one full time member of staff in our centre
Karten Centre Hours
We work Monday - Friday 09.15 - 16.15. We are closed for Bank holidays and the Christmas period.
Services offered to the Network
We're still in our early phase. So watch this space!