Kisharon, Adult Day Centre

Services/focus of the Karten Centre

Kisharon’s College is based on the second floor of the Childs Hill Library building and offers specialist, high need further education programmes for adults aged 16 – 24 with a spectrum of learning disabilities. The College students regularly use the computer suite to improve their computer skills, access the internet and emails and to type up work.

Centre Address

Childs Hill Library, 320 Cricklewood Lane, London NW2 2QE, UK

Rendering map..

Karten Centre Manager

Natasha Woolf

Contact Details


020 3209 1163


Host Organisation


Host Organisation Address

1st Floor, 333 Edgware Road, London, NW9 6TD

Centre setting

Tip: Clicking the link/s to view list of centres in a similar setting.

Karten Centre Website

Centre Established

June 2011


There are currently 8 students at the Kisharon College, aged between 16 and 24.

Typical ages of clients

Tip: Clicking the link/s to view list of centres with the same client age range.


Kisharon supports people with a range of disabilities including Down’s syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism and Fragile X. Symptomatic of these conditions are profound learning difficulties, often accompanied by motor and other physical problems.

Type/s of disabilties

Tip: Clicking the link/s to view list of centres serving similar disabilities.

Technology used in the Karten Centre

A server
A wireless system
A data cabinet
Wireless keyboards and mice

Assistive Technology

Some desks that are adjustable
Interactive whiteboard


Tip: Clicking the link/s to view list of centres providing similar services.

Karten Centre Staff


Karten Centre Hours

The College is open 9.30 – 3.30 Tuesday – Thursday and Fridays 9.30 – 12.00 and the Karten Suite is used daily.